Got lots to say but no photos or videos to go with it? Instagram’s new creator mode could be for you.Instagram this week finished launching its new creator mode within the story function! Got lots to say but no photos or images to post? This new mode could be exactly what you’re searching for!

To launch creator mode go to the camera icon in the top left hand corner of the app next to the Instagram logo. Once open you will see the normal slider of options along the bottom corner. Select Create, and you’ll find yourself with a whole new variety of options.

We often use the create mode on the Harbourside Visual Instagram account stories… Give us a follow if you haven’t already! @harboursidevisual

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Text Modes

The first option within creative mode is solely text based. You can type with all the normal fonts from the regular story module, and even change the background by pressing the coloured circle in the bottom right hand corner. In the image below you can see all of the examples of the background available. (These backgrounds are able to be used with all the other creator functions too)
Text mode will be useful for if you want to share a sale/ offer, post a notice for your customers or even just to share your thoughts of the day! 


The next mode is templates! Instagram have pre-installed 8 templates for you to use within the story module. A powerful tool for easy content creation?  
  • Quote of the day
    • Want to share a quote from your inspiration? Use this function.
  • What am I watching?
    • For those tv series your followers HAVE to watch!
  • This track gets me
    • Got a tune that summarises your life? Share it here. 
  • What am I listening to? 
    • To share your favourite songs of the moment
  • Pizza Toppings ranked
    • Rank your favourite pizza toppings! Will pineapple make the list
  • Woke up like this
    • Looking like a star? Or burning like one? Share a photo of yourself with this funky outline
  • Quick draw challenge 
    • Get your followers to draw something! You could even offer your followers a repost if they share their own.
  • Top three accounts to follow 
    • An easy wow to shout our your favourite Instagram accounts! Will @harboursidevisual make your list?
Some of them are more a bit of fun than you would use for business, however for influencers or for posting to your friends they could be great. Other’s like the quote of the day or top accounts to follow could be really nice touches for sharing on a business profile! Remember: you can pair these with the backgrounds shown above, don’t be afraid to make it funky!




With the GIF function you can make the background to your story your favourite GIF. Not only are GIFs a bit of fun, they’re a nice way to theme a message. There are some really nice scenic gifs for if you want something more serious to put with a message. You can also overlay the normal question, quiz, countdown and poll stickers over the top, making a well crafted story that still gets your message across.

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Other Functions

The rest of the functions will look familar to regular users of the Instagram story! There’s a countdown, quiz, poll and question and answer function. For each of these you can change the titles and answers etc to suit your situation, or you can press the dice at the top in the centre and it’ll choose a random one for you. These functions however are also available as stickers in the normal IG story module, or can be added on top of any of the other creator mode options, so perhaps overlaying these ontop of a GIF for example would make for a much more interesting options than one of the built in plain backgrounds.


Other Functions

These new functions are without a doubt new and exciting, offering new opportunities for influencers, businesses or even just the general user to create content when it may be running a little dry!

Not sure about Instagram stories? Follow us on social media and we will be posting some tutorials as we go.


Facebook & Instagram: @harboursidevisual

Twitter: @harbourSvisual

Resources Thumbnail 01

Get your FREE create mode backgrounds from our resource centre now.

Social media image sizes

Social media image sizes

Visual content rules the social media landscape no matter what you're posting; whether that's a promo photo, update,...

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