Why is it so important to keep your content fresh & current online?

What does it even mean to “keep your content fresh” online? Let’s start by making it clear. Keeping content fresh online is quite simply making sure that your content stays up to date with new and constant updates to your online channels such as your website, social media, printed materials, apps and more.
You can use your content to keep people coming back to your sites and engaging with your brand. Use your content to show off what you do, show new features, notify customers and followers of events and special offers and even host competitions… The possibilities are endless with the power of content and social media.
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Go ahead and check that your content is up to date.

Is your content up to date? Now is a great time to check your online presence. Go ahead and check your content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and your website. You may have a wide variety of content out there already or you might have been too busy to stay on top of it, we get it, running a business of any kind comes with a mountain of responsibilities and keeping a constant flow of content online can sometimes slip down the list of things to do and get forgotten. Today we have the most amazing and smart technology humans have ever seen. Chances are that you’ve got a smartphone in your pocket , or you may even be reading this blog on it right now! Are you utilising the power that is in the palm of your hand right now? There are numerous apps and services available to download for both iOS and Android based phones and devices to help you keep your content going out, we’ll go through a few of these that we think you’ll find helpful in another blog post soon.

Can you assign a staff member?

If you simply don’t have the time to handle your online content and socials, can you assign a member of staff to look after this aspect of your business? Perhaps they can take a morning or afternoon to sort through content you’ve captured throughout the week and prepare it to go live to save on time spent on writing a description to post. 
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Who does a good job at keeping their content fresh?

A company we see time and time again absolutely killing it on socials and even throughout the web and also in printed methods such as billboards is Jimmy’s Iced Coffee. Jimmy’s are always online and posting little snippets of content to their followers. Wether they’re having a quiet day in the office or are launching a new product, they will always be online and talking about it, sharing it with their followers and customers. Another wonderful way they engage their followers is by having a new story at least every 24 hours. This way, they’re appearing on people’s homepages and timelines before they even start scrolling. It’s a great way to get your brand name into peoples heads and make sure you’re being thought about and seen. Jimmy’s often host events on their socials such as movie nights and free coffee giveaways at random locations throughout the UK, to add to these events, they offer ways for followers to engage with the stories by asking questions and offering multiple choice responses.

So go forth and update your socials!

Get your socials back on track and admire the results, your followers will have new content, your customers will stay updated and you’ll keep valuable traffic to your socials and website. Don’t forget to update your stories for a more personal touch of updating your followers but above all, make sure you’re utilising the power of social media and the content you’re posting upon it! Get posting, keep updating and stay fresh!
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Content creation is our specialty! We can fit around most budgets, deadlines and briefs with projects from a single shoot to a monthly package.